Paris Mayor Suing Fox News is a No-Go

Unlike Governor Jindal from yesterday’s article, Fox News did not double down on an obvious error. Fox actually apologized for the ‘no-go’ zone misinformation, but that is not enough for the mayor of Paris, who plans to sue Fox: Paris Mayor Plans to Sue Fox News for ‘No-Go’ Zone As the NYT article states, this lawsuit will go nowhere in the US due to the precedent of New York Times vs. Sullivan. But could the mayor sue in France? Presumably yes, thus putting Fox News parent company assets at risk within France and/or the EU. Perhaps this is why Fox News took the unusual move (for a media company) of repeatedly apologizing for the repeated errors. In any case, Fox has apologized for its errors, and it should end there. We should praise individuals, companies and organizations when they admit fault, and not sue them. Instead of suing Fox, perhaps the mayor should sue Governor Jindal? He’s liable to triple down at this point because it’s an unfortunate part of our human nature to refuse to admit when we are wrong.

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Jindal Impervious to Facts and Truth

Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, is the perfect example of a politician unfit for office at any level anywhere.

Jindal Doubles Down on ‘No-Go’ Zone Ridiculousness

Making an error is human. deplores gotcha ‘journalism’ that catches someone saying something wrong, silly, or foolish in front of an open microphone, and then repeating it ad nauseum to destroy someone’s reputation. But what Jindal did was different.

He restated the already previously discredited statement that there are areas of the UK and France that are ‘no-go’ zones for non-Muslims because they have become Islamic shariah code areas. For anyone who has been to the UK or France, this statement is completely preposterous. People may not go to these neighborhoods because they are high-crime areas, but there is no shariah code being publicly enforced to keep out non-Muslims or making the neighborhood dangerous for non-Muslims. You might get mugged, but no one is going force a woman to wear a veil walking down the street. Jindal not only repeated this ridiculous statement, but even after having it pointed out to him that it was wrong, he doubled down on it. A responsible person would admit error, and restate their position. Jindal is not a mature, rational person, and therefore nobody should ever even think to vote for him. You don’t like his opponent, then vote for a third party or

20th century New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, “you’re entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts.” Jindal evidently never got that message, and that is what this site is all about. Someone like Jindal with such faulty thinking is an embarrassment as a leader. Doesn’t matter if you’re Republican, Democrat, or whatever, you have to use facts when forming your opinions or viewpoints.

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