The Definition of Insanity and Writing Into a Vacuum; Time for a Reboot

Psychologists say the definition of insanity is to attempt to do the same thing over and over again, but expect different results. I like to think I am not insane.

Friends said one cannot start in 2015 a general news and opinion blog based on rationality and hope to find an audience. I thought I could prove them wrong by attempting to write fairly high-quality pieces that I hoped would find readers and followers. Well, I was wrong and they were right. The numbers I am generating for this site is pitiful. General news and opinion (though with binary biases and slant) can be found on myriad other websites that readers already regularly peruse or subscribe. Niche is really the only way to go. With that in mind, I will be starting this blog and website over from scratch with a narrow theme that will focus like a laser beam. This niche topic is derived from the posts that have received the most views and likes, so it makes sense to serve this audience that is evidently not finding this content elsewhere.

See you here again in a couple weeks with the niche reboot. Thanks.