The Other Side of Revenge Porn

Most debate on revenge porn (when an ex posts nudes of a former significant other, usually a girlfriend) centers around the guys who do it being jerks and the women who consent to have their picture being taken and/or sending selfies being foolish and getting just desserts. But there are a couple other ways to look at the issue.

First, revenge is one of the oldest human motivational needs, and today a plethora of Hollywood movies are based on this ancient thirst. It is no surprise in a culture steeped in revenge-storytelling that many people would like to get even as well. One reason people seek revenge is they have no discourse within the framework of the legal system. If you buy a $10,000 diamond ring for a woman as an engagement promise, she doesn’t legally have to give it back if she breaks it off since it was a gift. Ethically she should return it since she’s not keeping her promise, but she is under no legal obligation to do so. When a relationship goes sour, the one leaving can oftentimes make out like a bandit with money and items milked from the victim over the years, and they do not have to be returned or remunerated. And this says nothing of cheating and adultery, which are both legal but judged as unethical (and even immoral) by most. There is simply no legal remedy for those who come out on the wronged side of an ended relationship. This is one of the primary reasons why revenge porn exists.

Second, revenge can be seen as a moral imperative. If someone wrongs you, then you must seek retribution. To do otherwise, would make you a weakling who meekly got abused and never stood up for oneself. In addition revenge serves a deterrent effect. That is, if a psychopath goes one relationship after another abusing others by cheating, lying and theiving, he/she may think twice if one of the victims gets sweet revenge. It is morally imperative to punish the transgressor since failure to do so will mean the psychopath will accrue more victims until someone stands up to him/her.

Revenge porn may seem tacky and even abhorrent, but it might also be the only way for some to get a measure of justice not available in the legal system. Pass laws against it if you like, but it won’t be going away anytime soon unless you want to make cheating and adultery punishable under criminal law again.

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